Educators understand and apply knowledge of student growth and development.

To understand my knowledge of standard 3, please refer to the following artifact: A case study I examined in my first practicum.

CPaterson – Pronunciation in Language Learning Case Study

This artifact demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of Standard 3 – Educators understand and apply knowledge of student growth and development. By delving deeply into the development of Cody’s speech and subsequent behaviour, I was able to uncover how childhood development can be linked to behavioural problems in classrooms, and subsequently the classroom environment and quality of learning for all. In considering Cody’s physical and mental development, myself and the rest of Cody’s team of teachers and support were able to provide the adequate care for him. Without our discoveries into Cody’s individual growth and development, he would have fallen behind his classmates, his behaviour would have continued to disrupt both his learning and the learning of his classmates, and his health could have been further negatively impacted.

I believe it is important to note, that had intervention not occurred, Cody’s growth and development may have been impacted further. Research by Gilakjani and Ahmadi (2011) described the adverse effects that individuals who struggle with language learning face. Most important to note is the emotional and mental impact that an inability to communicate with peers has. As youth can often struggle with feelings of being misunderstood without enduring a language barrier, students who must cope with language barriers between themselves and their peers face higher emotional and mental distress. In short, social development, mental health and emotional wellbeing are all impacted by an inability to communicate effectively with peers result in a feeling of isolation.

Furthermore, Cody’s mental health, which was suffering due to his feelings of isolation, could have negatively contributed to his physical health. In males in particular, poor mental health has been linked to adverse physical health, and even a higher risk of mortality (Ohrnberger, Fichera, & Sutton, 2017).

It is clear that Cody’s journey in language learning has a direct correlation to his physical, mental, emotional, and social growth and development. Through thorough interactions, assessments, and observations of Cody, his growth and development was tracked through a lens of pronunciation and language learning. As such, this artifact is a proficient exemplar for Standard 3 – Educators understand and apply knowledge of student growth and development.



Gilakjani, A. P., & Ahmadi, M. R. (2011). Why is Pronunciation so Difficult to Learn? English Language Teaching, 4(3), 74-83. Doi: 10.5539/elt.v4n3p74

Ohrnbeger, J. Fichera, E. & Sutton, M. (2017). The relationship between physical and mental health: A mediation analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 195, 42-49. Doi: